Moringa Facts
- M. Oleifera is native to the Indian sub-continent and naturalized in tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world.
- M. Oleifera is a deciduous tree or shrub, fast-growing, drought resistant, reaching an average height of 12 meters (39 feet) at maturity. The other twelve (12) varieties of Moringa include:
- Moringa Arborea
- Moringa Borziana
- Moringa Concanensis
- Moringa Drouhardii
- Moringa Hildebrandtii
- Moringa Longituba
- Moringa Ovalifolia
- Moringa Peregrina
- Moringa Pygmaea
- Moringa Rivae
- Moringa Ruspoliana
- Moringa Stenopetala
- Common Name of Moringa Oleifera include: Benzolive, Drumstick Tree, Kelor, Marango, Mlonge, Mulangay, Saijhan and Sajna
- Gram for gram Moringa dried leaf powder contains:
- 25 times the Iron of Spinach
- 17 times the Calcium of Milk
- 15 times the Potassium of Bananas
- 10 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
- 9 times the Protein of Yogurt
- 0.5 times the Vitamin C of Oranges
Moringa History and Legend
The Moringa vegetable tree is native to Northern India. Around the time of 2000 B.C. the leaves were first described as a medicinal herb. Ayurveda, the oral tradition of Indian medicine, declared that Moringa prevents 300 diseases. Ayurveda medicine is one of the oldest systems of health care. Ayurveda medicine provides steps needed for healthful living during one’s life as well as describing a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat illness.
- Moringa was highly valued in the ancient world:
- The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians extracted edible oil from the seeds and used it for perfume and skin lotion.
- Moringa oil was used for skin protection in the desert weather by Ancient Egyptians.
- In ancient India, Maurian warriors were fed Moringa leaf extract in the war front. The leaf extract was believed to have given the warriors extra stamina and strength.
- On the island of Jamaica in 1817, a petition concerning Moringa oil was presented to the Jamaican House of Assembly. It described the oil as being useful for salads and culinary purposes, and being equal to the best Florence oil as an illuminant–giving clear light without smoke. The leaves and pods were likewise used in local recipes. (courtesy of Moringa Farm)
- For centuries, Moringa has been taken to several semi-tropical and tropical locations. People in the Indian sub-continent have long used moringa pods for food. The edible leaves are eaten throughout West Africa and parts of Asia. Besides the leaves, other parts of this amazing vegetable tree (e.g., seeds and flowers) are regularly used for food, medicinal and therapeutic purposes.
- Traditionally Used for:
- India:Anemia, anxiety, asthma, blackheads, blood impurities, bronchitis, catarrh, chest congestion, cholera,conjunctivitis, cough, diarrhea, eye & ear infections, fever, glandular swelling, headaches, abnormal blood pressure, hysteria, pain in joints, pimples, psoriasis, respiratory disorders, scurvy, sore throat, sprain, tuberculosis
- Guatemala: Skin infections and sores
- Philippines: Anemia, glandular swelling and lactating
Moringa | |
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Moringa ovalifolia | |
Moringa the miracle tree
As the “miracle tree” Moringa is called, not without reason. Meanwhile, more than 700 scientific studies show the tree and its leaves and fruits as versatile beneficial to health. Particularly surprising is the antioxidant activity of the leaves – it is probably as high as any other currently known plant or fruit.
The tree “Moringa Oleifera” originates from India, where it grows at the foot of the Himalayas. In the Vedas, has been reported as 5000 years ago about Moringa. In Ayurveda, it is said again that Moringa can cure over 300 diseases.
Over the centuries Moringa has spread over the tropical and subtropical regions of the world where it is now cultivated in many countries and cultivated as a vegetable. Moringa has adapted over the centuries to its environment, it is now 13 species of Moringa known. The most familiar type is the Moringa oleifera.
Fast-growing plants of high nutritional value
The plant grows up to 30 cm per month and can be reached within one year an amount of up to four meters. Amazingly, all parts of the tree are used. The residents of the countries where Moringa grows, have independently discovered the beneficial properties of Moringa for their wellbeing and applied.
The leaves of Moringabaumes can be eaten raw and fresh as a salad – or boiling the leaves as a vegetable. Also, sauces and soups can be prepared from the leaves. They taste pickled very well and form an excellent source of vitamins. The sprouts have the flavor and pungency of radish and can be used for seasoning or something eaten. Of the dried leaves may be prepared an extremely nutritious powder, the food or drink can be added as a valuable dietary supplement. Also can accumulate Sun flour, which get the baked goods a higher nutritional value.
The seeds of the fruit of the Moringa tree are slightly larger than a pea and can also be cooked like peas or roasted like nuts and then eaten. From the seeds can be gained good quality oil. It is often compared to olive oil, but has a higher heat Moringaöl point than olive oil. The Moringaöl is highly valued in the cosmetic industry. In antiquity Moringaöl was very popular among the Greeks. Probably by the property on to eliminate body odors.
18 of 20 amino acids and many minerals
Moringa is considered by far the most nutritious plant. Moringa contains 18 of 20 known amino acids. Amino acids are important components when it comes to oxygen transport, concentration and brain function. They support mental performance and are for good brain function is very important.
The mineral and vitamin content of plant components are enormous: Moringa contains 4 times more vitamin A than carrots – and thereby helps to see the person better. Moringa is rich in Vitamin E and is high in iron content. The combination and composition of the components of the Moringa tree is very focused and balanced. Sun Moringa products in addition to numerous effective secondary plant impurities following nutrients: 2 times as much protein as soy, 7 times as much vitamin C as oranges, 4 times as much vitamin A in carrots, four times as much calcium as milk, 3 times as much potassium as bananas and very large amounts of natural chlorophyll, which gives the body a lot of light energy. Moringa also provides a very high proportion of unsaturated natural fatty acids (omega-3, -6 and -9) that can help our immune system effectively. Moringa contains almost all non-essential amino acids.
One of the best natural sources of antioxidants
Free radicals are very harmful for the body and are implicated in the pathogenesis of many diseases. The increased formation of free radicals is due to stress, ozone, UV radiation, poor diet, alcohol and tobacco use.
Antioxidant substances act as scavengers in the body and also help with the defense against infection. For example, vitamin C and vitamin E are important antioxidants that protect the cells and tissues during physical exertion, thus supporting the body in performance. Such anti-inflammatory agents work best when combined with other similar natural bioactive substances. Thereby a much greater effect is obtained when only one of these substances.
Moringa contains 46 antioxidant substances and is therefore one of the main natural sources of antioxidants. The antioxidants found in Moringa: Vitamin A, C, E, K, magnesium, zinc, selenium, leucine, choline, zeatin, chlorophyll, beta-sitosterol, kampferol, quercetin, rutin, caffeoylquinic acid, lutein, zeaxanthin, glutathione, beta carotene, Alpha carotene and other carotenes stigmasterol.
High ORAC values of Moringablätter
ORAC value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) indicate the degree to which a biological substance inhibits a free radical. With the measurement of ORAC value can determine which Lebens-/Nahrungsmittel have particularly good antioxidant properties. Moringa shines here with a value of about 46,000 ORAC units per 100 grams, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that taken daily from 3000 to 5000 ORAC units. Actually take eighty percent of the population is less than 1000 units per day to themselves. Prof. Dr. Klaus Becker of the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, has more than 15 years in Moringa research projects. He drinks for years with fondness Morin Gatee and is convinced that in Moringa is still a great potential. As for the great bioavailability of nutrients, there are many processes in this plant there that could not be explained. Many studies remains ahead. Important too distribution of Moringa products: A sale of moringa powder would fall for the latest information under the Novel Food Regulation. Before being brought to the market, it must therefore as a “novel food” are enabled.
The secret of Moringa
Seeds, leaves and powder of Moringabaumes are real and vital nutrient material suppliers can compete in which no other fruit or vegetable. Moringaprodukte contain more protein than eggs, more potassium than bananas, more vitamin C than oranges, surpassing the vitamin A content of carrots and the calcium content of milk by a multiple.
In addition, the plant contains a lot of the green plant pigment chlorophyll, many minerals, vitamin E, also. All essential amino acids and high unsaturated fatty acids in a balanced Many phytochemicals and antioxidants Moringa make a round thing for health.
The ingredient zeatin ensures that the ingredients are well absorbed by the body. Zeatin opens the cells so that the nutrients are funneled there, where they are needed.
The advantages
1) calcium for healthy teeth and bones
Moringa is rich in valuable calcium, which is important for a stable bone and teeth. Unlike dairy products, the calcium of the Moringa plant is easily absorbed by the body. Especially for pregnant women, lactating women, children, athletes will benefit. Well as prevention of osteoporosis or bone loss in the acute case of Moringa is recommended.
2) Perfect Protein Source
Moringa contains 18 of the current 20 known amino acids. Amino acids from the body metabolizes its protein, which is important, among other things for the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies and for the development of bones, muscles, teeth, connective tissue and blood vessels. A portion of the amino acids known as essential because the body can not produce itself and therefore reliant on external supply by food intake.
Moringa also contains all essential amino acids, including histidine and arginine, which are valid for growing children as essential. Moringa is a perfect source of protein for children, babies, nursing mothers, pregnant women, vegetarians, vegans and athletes. And women in menopause benefit from this balanced amino acid content.
3) For more power and endurance
Due to its high content of beta-carotene, vitamin E, C and iron Moringa provides a good supply of oxygen in the brain and supports the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. This stimulates the brain cells and the concentration and the performance assets rise.
4) antioxidants to prevent premature aging
Antioxidants help scavenge environmental damage and toxins from food and render them harmless. The Moringa plant 46 antioxidants were detected, such as selenium, vitamin E and C. Moringa helps passionate eyes, premature aging of the skin and prevent various age weaknesses.
5) Other
In addition, the Moringa plant has many more positive characteristics. The plant can be used as feed in the diet of animals for the purification of contaminated drinking water and serves as a biological fertilizer. More about these aspects of the plant here >>
Of the Moringa plant, both the flowers, the leaves, fruits and seeds are eaten. Moreover, powder obtained from the leaves and seeds of the oil for human consumption. Leaving the seeds sprouted, they get a slightly sharp taste reminiscent of horseradish. The fruits of the tree taste like asparagus, and the flowers have a mushroom-like taste.
In order to increase the nutritional content of meals, the product obtained from the leaves of the plant powder can be given food and drink. Recommended about 2-3 teaspoons of Moringa powder per day.
Our partner see the powder and the seeds of the Moringa plant >>
“The Moringa tree is extremely helpful against diet-related diseases – a phenomenon among the food and medicinal plants.” Prof. Klaus Becker of the tropical center of the University of Hohenheim
“Moringa oleifera is an all-natural, inexpensive and accessible multi-vitamin.” [And] “If I had to commit myself to a plant that has the maximum benefit for mankind, I would have trouble finding a better as Moringa.” Dr. Lowell J. Fuglie, director of Church World Service
Again summarized Moringa is used as a:
Source of food for humans:
The main diet and as Nahrungsergänzung. (Leaves, fruits, bleeding, seeds, oil and powder from the leaves) of freeze-dried Moringa Oleifera Blattulver Capsules
Sprösslinge taste like horseradish and fruits like asparagus.
Medicine: Blatter, bleeding, fruits, seeds, twigs, bark, root, oil, powder of the leaves.
Animal feed: Animals that get Moringa as a food supplement (2 kg a day) take a lot of weight (up to 32%). Cows give 43 to 65% more milk.
Moringa can be verfüttert also to pets.
In beekeeping: The Moringa tree can at genügendem blühen rain throughout the year. The flowers give a beautiful honey.
For the Ölherstellung: moringa oil, which is extracted from the seeds, is one of the best Ole for the cosmetic industry. Edible oil as it has the best values in omega-9-Fettsäuren.
As Pflanzendünger / Food: plants that are sprayed with Moringa give solution (25 ml per plant), a yield increase of 20 to 35%. The plants and fruits are strong and resistant to all kinds of diseases and microorganisms. It can also be applied to the garden and indoor plants.
As an alternative source of energy and pollution control: Moringa grows in tropical climates, up to 30 cm per month. An acre
Moringa provides up to 700 tons of biomass per year.
From the Moringa oil can a high-quality biodiesel.
The special thing about Moringa Oleifera is that the interest of Western scientists responsible and humane organizations is immense now.
Antioxidative protection by Moringa Leaf Powder According to the internationally führenden table working on the antioxidant capacitances of plant food (measured by the ORAC method, published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2007) yet only 12 used foods are known, per 100 grams of dry matter at least 9000